L'Ylang Ylang

Holiday rental

About this Holiday rental

Welcome to the Lataniers!

It’s a beautiful residence with four fully furnished apartments, in the middle of a tropical garden with an unbelievable view on the ocean and the sunset.
You will appreciate the vanishing-edge pool, the solarium, the Jacuzzi, the pool table, the petanque court and the ping-pong table.
Charm, calm and comfort are guaranteed!
Privat parking, supplied linen, free WIFI, children's package (bed, high chair and baby back carrier).
We are located near the city center and the shops, at 2 min from the Tamarin road and at 10 min from the beaches of Saint-Leu and Etang-Salé.
We’ll give you advice for all your excursions and can lend you fins, mask, and snorkels, walking sticks, maps,…).
Don’t forget to have a look at our website! http://www.les-lataniers.com
Tél. +262 692 25 13 38

Foreign Languages: English / German / Spanish /

+ Contacter le propriétaire

Address of the accommodation


Type of property : Studio , floor
Type of accommodation : Neuf
Area : 38 m2
Lift (elevator) : Non
Number of rooms: 0
Bathroom : 1
Sleeps: 2 persons

Kitchen : Living room / kitchen
Baby equipment : Oui
Pets welcome : Non
Parking: Reserved location unprotected
Payment : Holiday vouchers, CB, Check, Cash, Transfer, Paypal


  • Sheets provided
  • Bathroom linen provided


Dans le séjour N°1 : 160 x 160 cm,


  • Television
  • DVD
  • Internet connection
  • Dishwasher
  • Refrigerator
  • Combined-freezing
  • Shared washing machine
  • Private washing machine
  • Coffee maker
  • Microwave


  • Park
  • Garden
  • Common garden
  • Garden lounge
  • Swimming pool
  • Community pool (with owner)
  • Community pool (with guests)
  • Terrace
  • Spa
  • Barbecue
  • Table tennis


Swimming pool : 0 km
Swim : 0 km
Sea : 1 km
Fishing : 2 km
Golf : 6 km
Tennis : 4 km
Horse riding : 5 km
Shops : 1 km
Cities / Points : 5 km
plongée, parapente, randonnée, musées et conservatoires


130 €
by night
Luc Jérôme SARL MODESOVACANCES - Les Lataniers
N° agrément 974MS000164

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Site internet du propriétaire
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